Level 9
Level 9
Member since ‎12-18-2000

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Hi AllWe have a nexus 5k, and it kind of got hung today... it is running   version 5.1(3)N2(1b).. the reset reason shows :Power down due to temperature sensor policy triggerIt doesnt look documented. Can anyone confirm what policy is it referring to?...
Hi AllDo you see any issues using the NPV traffic map command to  push a server's SAN traffic through specific external interface? Can  this be done online without any disruption? for eg: config# npv traffic-map server-interface fc1/45 external-int...
Hi AllJust a quick one.We have connected 8GB Fiber channel SFP (DS-SFP-FC8G-SW) in Nexus 5k to an IBM server having 4G HBA card, and the interface doesnt come up. I tried setting the speed to 4000 and no luck. Not sure of the config in IBM server, bu...
Hi All3 questions:1) I just downloaded the dcnm client for LAN ... is there a seperate client for SAN ? I dont see any download links for SAN... 2) Is it possible to add brocade switches to DCNM-SAN? Does it require additional licenses?3) Can we use ...
HiIs it possible to transfer licenses such as FC_FEATURES_PKG , ENTERPRISE_PKG etcfrom one switch to another ? We have a switch which does not need fiber channel connectivity, but wrongly installed this license.. The following doc says that we need t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-18-2000 09:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 2,416
Total Helpful Votes Received 1705
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