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Member since ‎09-06-2011

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Hello Everyone,.Recently i've ordered some new IP public from my ISP. I have to assign one of these to one of my server. Am not pro in cisco routers and just occasionally do some small not serious manipulation in the router. When i check the config f...
Hi EveryoneIm planning to add a cisco switch to my network. A friend of mind told me to be on my guard (lol) because he had once done this before and the network was down.Does this really happen? If yes why? And what precautions should i take before ...
Hi Everyone,I configured my linux server to accept udp port 4669 and 4769. that was easy for me.That's only a small part of the work.I got a remote  Cisco Router 1841 ( India ) I need to allow udp port 4669 and 4769 on the router.traffic passing port...
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Member Since ‎09-06-2011 12:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 6
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