Markus Geissmann
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎06-30-2010

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We have CSM 4.1, and I can create great event loggs in the Event Monitoring Tool, i.e. all denied hits on one specific Firewall in a specific time frame (see attachment).How can I export this data and send it to the customer? (preferd as Excel or PDF...
I (my customer) does not get SNMP Traps from the N5k when he unplugs one power supply (only logs). He gets only traps when he turns both power supplies off. If I check show snmp trap all trap entity are enabled (rmon Trap are off). NX-OS is 4.2(1)N2(...
Can anybody tell me how I config a description on an interface of the MDS  9222i?I have the NX-OS 4.2(1a)
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Member Since ‎06-30-2010 07:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-17-2023 10:38 AM
Posts 5