I am having a similar problem. Looking at the dcmaservice.log of my server the LMS server is trying to connect to a different IP address on the firewall (the outside ip address which is a higher value than the inside ip address). the LMS server is ...
I am having a similar problem. Looking at the dcmaservice.log the LMS server is trying to connect to a different IP address on the firewall (the outside ip address which is higher than the inside ip address). the LMS server is not using the IP addr...
I was not able to find any documentation on the messages from WCS. I have made a request to the Wireless BU to help find this info, but have not heard back from them yet. I will post what they come back to me with. Sorry for the delay on this...We...
We did not use the clean access server in the PCI solution we validated so I have not had any experience with it myself. You may try posting your question in the Security/General forum as they cover clean access there. Or open a TAC request.
Here is the link to the PCI solution Design guide. It lists Products and what PCI requirements they address as well as how to configure them.http://www.cisco.com/web/strategy/retail/pci_imp.html