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Member since ‎06-17-2003

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We are using VMS 2.2 and IDSMC 1.2 for management. Some of our Cisco IDS devices are in remote networks which are not directly accessible from VMS hosts. There is a proxy host in between which can listen on a high-TCP-port and port-forward SSH and SS...
When we deploy new IDSM2 blades in various locations, we need to verify that the sensing interface(s) have sufficient visibility into the protected nets. In order to do this, we (security group) rely on network admins to setup SPAN, RSPAN, VACLs, etc...
We are going to have a few IDSM2 blades spread out geographically soon. The security group at my company does not control the Cat 650x switches as such and I'd like to know if there is someway we could get console (modem) access to the IDSM2 blade on...
When I try to configure NTP on my 4215, I get this error (below). I have tried rebooting the sensor but the sensor came back up with no ntpServer configured. There is no connectivity issue between the ntp server and the sensor.sensor(config-Host-tim)...
I'm installing Cisco VMS 2.2 on Solaris and would be using only three applications - IDSMC, PIXMC and Security Monitor. In this setup, would I need RME (Resource manager essentials)? I noticed that in the list of supported devices for RME 3.5, I did ...
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Member Since ‎06-17-2003 07:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 53
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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