Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎07-03-2009

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Ok here is the scenarionexus 5548 switch ---- fex 2232 --- UCS C series (C220)snippets of the configuration:vlan 1100fcoe vsan 1100vlan database vsan 1100fex 100description 2232-Afcoeint ethernet100/1/1switchport switchport mode trunkswitchport trunk...
Hello,I have configured FCIP tunnels before where each tunnel is placed in its own subnet.  I couldn't find any documentation that would show that this has to be the case or this is best practice.  I am configuring a scenario where there are two pair...
Hi all,I'm sure I am missing something fairly obvious and stupid but I need several sets of eyes and help.Here is the scenario:I want to be able to create san port-channels between the FI and Nexus.  I don't need to trunk yet as I can't even get the ...
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Member Since ‎07-03-2009 11:06 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-27-2023 08:04 AM
Posts 10