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Member since ‎04-14-2008

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Hello everyone, I need to extract chat transcript once agents completes the chat request and post it to a CRM.  The environment is SSO, so ece agent use finesse token to login to ECE gadget as well once they sign into finesse.   The "activity api" (/...
Hello All,We have a client requirement where agent need an custom button to end/drop the call once agent accepted outbound preview call and is dialing the customer.  We need to provide this option for agent to drop/end while it is dialing out and not...
Hello All,One of our customer looking for customized music on hold message to be played to the customer when agent puts the call on hold in Cisco finesse agent desktop. Anyone has suggestions on how to do fulfill this requirement? Thanks,Ravi.
Hello All,We have very long list of Not-Ready reason codes, and the agents have to scroll down when they click on "Not-Ready" to select the correct reason code.  Current finesse only shows around 10, and if we have more than that we have to scroll do...
I am trying to change the agent from Ready to "Not Ready- Meeting"  using "user.setState" function , but it is not working for me.  Can someone shed some light on what I am doing wrong?http://{ip}:8080/finesse/api/User/8094542/ReasonCodes?category=NO...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-14-2008 02:57 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-19-2024 03:36 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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