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I am using Cisco Finesse 12.5. The scenario is as follows: I initiated a call from the customer to Agent A, and Agent A made a blind transfer to Agent B. The dialog events that I am receiving on Agent B are as follows: The first event shows the call ...

Hi, I am trying to CLOSE an exiting dialog with a PUT to: https://finesse_server/finesse/api/Dialog/{{dialogID}} Body: <Dialog> <requestedAction>CLOSE</requestedAction> </Dialog> I am getting this error: The user is not authorized to perform this ...

vvazquez by Cisco Employee
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Our 3rdPartygadget is not loading in VPN-less FinesseGadget Functionality:  - When an agent answers a call, the call details are stored in an SQL database.                                                  - If the same customer calls again, the datab...

CFAdmin_configured code.png

I would like to make a request to https://finesse-domain/desktop/sso/token from another domain (not the finesse-domain from the request). I am able to do this from Postman but it results in a CORS issue from the browser. I don't get CORS problems whe...

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