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Member since ‎09-08-2010

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   Hi everyone, the issue that im tryin to explain its kinda weird to place it here. Here it goes: I have a 6509 with FWSM module, which uses ospf. Outside the FWSM, its running eigrp (i think this doesnt matter right now, but i put it just in case)....
Hi, i have a little question, sorry if its dumb. Can i, by IOS upgrade, speed up a 100 Mbps to 1000 Mbps? I have a ws-c2960-48pst-s. Thanks in advance.
Good day, i have two 7200 vrx router series with two E3 interfaces, and im just using one on each router. The question is how many branch offices can i connect to these equipment. For example: i need to connect like a hundred offices to each router ...
Hi, im trying to aplly QoS for some ip's in my interface GE so they had priority to access the web. But something isnt working right, i think. Here's the configuration:Router_Internet_MT#sh policy-map int g0/0.705 GigabitEthernet0/0.705  Service-pol...
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Member Since ‎09-08-2010 07:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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