Buenos Dias!!
tengo un problema con un telefono spa504g , hice una actualizacion de idioma a español desde la ip web del telefono en la opcion regional en script y cambie el lenguaje a spanish
Hello friends
I have a little problem with one device spa504g , I've done some configuration inside of this telephone , update of leguage Spanish , then my device SPA504G reboots quickly, then it appear a message checking dns and reboot again,
Hello friends
I have a little problem with one device spa504g , I've done some configuration inside of this telephone , update of leguage Spanish , then my device SPA504G reboots quickly, then it appear a message checking dns and reboot again,
when I did an update of lenguage at Spanish , the telephone it started to reboots quickly, then I disconnected the telephone of the plug of network and before I connect with power supply of 5 vc then not reboots but I can't to save the chang...
I apologize for this misunderstood.
let me explain again more detail.
when I connect the telephone with the plug of network , my telephone reboots quickly. then it appears a legend of (checking dns) in the screen of the telephone, then reboots quick...
I can't reset to factory this device, don't save changes.
if I can put this device with power supply 5v , this device don't reboot , however this device send me the same fail.