Hello Everyone,We've been observing our aggregated link (4 x 1gbps) between our core and a stacked switch where our vm and storage are for more than a month now. And that link barely goes over 1gbps. Upon review and further reading, we discovered tha...
Hi Everyone, We are currently leasing a space for our small office operation and we are using the lessor's internet connection (shared among tenants). The lessor requested snmp access to our equipment to monitor our traffic usage (maybe the switch th...
Hi Everyone,
We're trying to configure a port-based authentication wherein user's successful login lands it on their assigned vlan. Please refer to the diagram. We've successfully done this over our wireless network, but the connection to the AP is t...
ello Everyone,
We have a plain ASA (no ids/ips, firepower), we want to determine if the device is being port scanned. Did some quick scan (nmap) and all i see by filtering the device that im scanning it from is this
%ASA-4-313009: Denied invalid ...
Hi Everyone,
Any idea what could be causing this?
#pkts encaps: 1181, #pkts encrypt: 1181, #pkts digest: 1181 #pkts decaps: 1181, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
we usually encounter encaps/encrypts are incrementing, but no decaps/encrypt -- u...
Hi,It worked after we reconfigured and retyped the corresponding tunnel-group.. exactly the same.We are using pre-shared key, not sure it was the key, but a mismatched key should be visible in the debug, and tunnel should not form from the start. Thi...
Hi,It worked after we reconfigured and retyped the corresponding tunnel-group.. exactly the same.We are using pre-shared key, not sure it was the key, but a mismatched key should be visible in the debug, and tunnel should not form from the start. Thi...
Thanks for the idea -- sound good.
But can a switch be an 802.1x client? We've done this in past but the client is PC.
Tried to goolge how to go about this set up wherein a switch acts as the client -- no luck :(
Hi Mohammed,
Thanks for the reply.
You mean use the ASA pair as a hop-off to reach the other sites? Yeah that would work, i thought about that as well. Our concern in that setup is the effective latency and speed of data transfer since the data will ...