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Member since ‎04-22-2010

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Or do I need to have the fones explicitly request the non-BT version of 7.4.9a?(Its just that our provisioning system is working quite happily right now, and I don't want to add Yet Another Set Of Instructions for our users on how to setup their 525g...
What is the appropriate header to send to a 525 to get it to 'auto-answer'?Assuming that the config settings are correct (Auto_Answer_Page = Yes, etc.), we have the following -    * On the 504, if the incoming INVITE contains the header   "Alert-Info...
I'm trying to get SRTP working on our 504s and 525s.  I've uploaded a mini-certificate (and private key), set 'Secure Call Serv' to 'Yes', and set 'SRTP method' to 's-descriptor'.When the phone receives a valid RFC-4568 offer, it happily encrypts the...
XML configuration files encrypted with openssl can be decrypted by the phone using the profile rule [--key “TheSuperSecretPhrase”] http://......The issue is that if a user accesses the web-portal for the phone, he/she can glean TheSuperSecretPhrase t...
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Member Since ‎04-22-2010 09:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-02-2021 10:37 PM
Posts 10