I encountered this HA node deployment issue.Actually , I finished this feature with the enviroment of CA and DNS.However,Can I finish ISE‘s HA deployment without CA and DNS.When I adding the second ISE node to the first one,I fill the blank with the ...
Hi all:I have a problem.My C60 Codec can dial to Lync client,but without video,only audio.Form the call history,I can see the call status is 200/OKCould you anyone who can give me some approach to work this issue out.Any help or suggestion will be a...
Hi all: Here is the scenario.My ISE is a vmare version,and works normal,now here comes an issue, my computer can't login the ISE web interface.The other computer can login the ISE web interface. I think it maybe the cert's issue,cause when I...
Hi all: Here is the scenario: I have a meeting room ,2 TV sets and a suit of audio.My c20 have the connection to the audio system,which means the voice of the telepresence can be out from the audio system,also my c20 have two Micro ,my tv set...
Hi Neno Spasov:After the deployment can these two nodes work normaly withou DNS.Can I finish this feature just through IP address,not in the method of FQDN.
Hi abwahid:After the deployment can these two nodes work normaly withou DNS.Can I finish this feature just through IP address,not in the method of FQDN.
Hi Neno Spasov:You are correct! So the CA enviroment is not must needed.However DNS record is a must be.I want to rate your answer as the correct answer,but when I click the correct answer,the system indicate it's an invlaid answer,I'll try to find h...