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Member since ‎04-08-2005

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I need to know how to setup my ASA with dual wan links. 1 is 10/10 fiber, other will be a 50/5 Cable Wideband link. The 10/10 fiber is currnetly being used for VPN's and Internet, (about 20 point to point IPSEC vpn's currently).I want to add the Wide...
I am thinking about purchasing the standalone version of the 1140 AP, (AIR-AP1142N-x-K9 - Dual-band Standalone 802.11a/g/n). My question is can I setup a "guest" network with these conditions:Seperate subnet, gets dhcp from the AP.No dmz setup on the...
My company has a client that requires us to have a site to site VPN. They are requireing us to NAT our subnets to another private address or private subnet.My question is how to accomplish this on an ASA 5510 using the ASDM. We should be able to inti...
I upgraded our PIX 515E from 7.1 to 7.2.(2) about 6 weeks ago and noticed that it use more RAM, (about 43MB vs 34MB in previous version). After about 3 weeks I noticed i could not access through the ASDM, only telnet. Today the same issue, however th...
I have a PIX515E, (7.2.2) with several IPSEC VPN's configured. They are "subnet to subnet" with NAT-T. I need a new VPN to a new client that "prohibits routing private IP addresses within their network". So I guess I have to NAT my entire subnet to a...
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Member Since ‎04-08-2005 10:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-15-2021 12:43 AM
Posts 26
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