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Member since ‎10-17-2016

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Good afternoon, I need help setting up two site-to-site VPNs with just one link. I can only close the first VPN and the second does not close and the error in phase 2.Does anyone have any documentation that explains how to do this?
Good Morning,   I need to create a Site-To-Site VPN between an ASA 5506 cisco and a TPlink TL-ER6120, but I'm not getting it.  I see the logs down, but the VPN does not close: AAA retrieved default group policy (filter-scs) for user = ...
Good morning everyone, I have a firewall cisco asa 5506, version 9.3 (2) 2.I need to drive internet traffic to a link and traffic voip to another link. It is possible? how can I do it? Thank you.
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Member Since ‎10-17-2016 03:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-24-2019 02:49 AM
Posts 5