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Member since ‎06-21-2007

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Hi - I'm using a parent policy-map to shape traffic for a child policy-map that assigns different traffic classes bandwidth percentages. All the examples I've seen use class-default in the parent policy-map, but my concern is that if I do this then A...
Hi all.Has anyone got a clue as to whether it is possible to construct a regular expression to show only those prefixes who have an equal (or unequal) number of AS hops in their paths. These prefixes are coming from 2 different ISPs so may differ in ...
Hi.I'm configuring MQC between a 6500 and a 7304 on a Gi interface. I'm using the bandwidth command to mirror a bottleneck further on in the network and then bandwidth percent for each traffic class. Reading the documentation for bandwidth, I expecte...
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Member Since ‎06-21-2007 07:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 7