Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎07-17-2015

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Hi Folks, I have the following scenario: I already have a NAT rule in ASA to access port 84,1157 on Server from Internet through public IP. In order this thing to work I already made a port-forwarding in the 1841. So far so good. Now I need to estab...
Hi folks, one of my two ISP´s told me today that he had increased my service to 5 Gbps...I´m actually using 3.5 Gbps top on these days but I think next month I´m going to need more than 4 Gbps, so I asked him for the 5 Gbps. Is there anyway or any eq...
Hi folks, I ruuning Multihoming BGP with 2 ISPs since a while ago, a very simple configuration. Here are the relevant parts:   interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0 description *** ISP Level3 *** ip address 208.X.X.182!interface TenGigabi...
Hi folks, I'm looking for a little bit of clarification about the throughput of my ASA5580-20-BUN-K9 since I checked documentation from Cisco and says "Firewall Throughput: Up to 5 Gbps (real-world HTTP), 10 Gbps (jumbo frames)" but I'm suspecting th...
Hi folks, I have 5 of Cisco CMTS in my LAN with private ip addresses of course. The company I work for hired another company in order to monitor (SNMP) those 5 CMTS and they asked me for a public IP address and port forwarding to add CMTS's to their ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-17-2015 11:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-28-2018 12:09 AM
Posts 290