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Member since ‎08-20-2007

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Hello,Has anyone already configured the CBAC for ACE in ACS 5.x?In ACS 4.x, it looks like this : in the group profile, under Shell(exec), custom attributes : shell:Admin*AdminI don't know which T+ attribute it refers to, and how I should implement it...
Hi,Does anybody know if I still need an ACL, even if I don't want to filter anything with the open authentication?I've configured it on a port, and after the failed authentication, the computer still access everything although it's marked as 'auth fa...
Hi,We have 2 pairs of FWSM, both have 4.0.8 and ASDM 6.1.5F, both are single routed. In one case, we're able to see the Hits in ASDM, in the other one not.The only difference I see is that ACL optimization is enabled in one case. Does/did anybody hav...
Hello,I'd like to add a DNS Suffix to the hostname of my CSA-MC. But the CSA software doesn't notice and carry on with only the hostname and not the FQDN. It means, the Agent where there's no DNS suffix configured can't reach the CSA-MC.Is there a wa...
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Member Since ‎08-20-2007 02:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-04-2021 08:05 AM
Posts 14
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