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Member since ‎02-11-2010

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Hi, hope someone can point me in the correct direction...I have an urgent business case where we need to establish vpn lan-to-lan between two locations.From my point of view, everything is set up correct on the ASA that im admin for - it also seems s...
Hi all,Wonder if someone could help me about an event that occured for several hours on one of my VPN connections (lan-to-lan). First i see the remote peer terminate, then a requst for a new Phase1 - then all i got is tons of these messages:IKE Peer ...
I need to disable approxematly 40 different VPN profiles in our ASA5550`s without deleting them (need the ability to quickly activate them again if needed).I thought maybe i could disable IPSec for those profiles, but since the IPSec is an attribute ...
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Member Since ‎02-11-2010 11:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 4