Hi Xander, There is one thing I would like to double check. In the doc, you mentioned that "Note that older releases report the logical slot instead of the more common external name". Here the logical slot, do you mean "L" column or your mean "P" col...
Hi Xander, Thank you for this document. But I saw there is another way to recover the password with setting config-register to 0x142. What is the difference between that with the way in this document?Thanks.http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/routers/asr...
when I boot a cat6500, do both cpu's boot at the same time?Yes.can i console to each of them?Yes.is it possible to telnet from the active card to the standby?No. But you can check the disk on the standby and use the interfaces as other LAN card.if I ...
Hi, Is this the first time you were trying to login this box? If so, then you may try to do password recovery. The old configuration may have security feature when were enabled to prevent you from accessing it through console.