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Member since ‎02-21-2003

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I have a few hundred 891F routers with IOS IPS enabled.  We used to update signatures using CSM.  Now I need to convert them to auto-update. I have not been able to find any working examples of updating signatures by specifying "url" instead of "cisc...
I am currently running Cisco Secure ACS for TACACS and other things.  I have to move to another platform due to PCI DSS 3.2 requirements. ISE is the leading contender to replace ACS but I also have a requirement to implement multi-factor authenticati...
I am setting up a new active/standby pair of ASA 5525-X appliances.  They are currently running 9.4(2) code.  I have a couple of other ASA failover pairs in production but I never bothered setting up the management interface for those. I thought I'd ...
I'm configuring a new 3850 switch.  I've never used the Gi0/0 management interface before.  I'd like to use on this switch because I don't really need to do any layer three stuff on the switching ports. I have logging, ntp and ssh working on Gi0/0 wi...
I am using HSRP to create a failover pair of 891F security routers.  This router pair will act as a firewall between headquarters and a "mostly trusted" partner.  I have a directive to use stateful inspection whenever possible so I'd like to use the ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-21-2003 11:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-24-2022 01:49 PM
Posts 87
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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