I almost forgot. In the service logs, you should see a pointer to the detailed log file for that NETCONF session something like`2024-02-12T13:43:03.780Z INFO | forwarder/hajarada@cisco.com/wHMDEFka | MainThread radkit_service.session_log [] Session l...
Checked the code, and this error will be raised when parsing fails for any reason. it's not the most accurate error message. I will file a request to make it more clear and show the data that failed parsing, at least that will help with the troublesh...
Looking at the error message
DeviceActionError: Device action failed: Netconf connection error: Server closed the connection unexpectedly
It seems to be an issue on the device side, either Netconf is disabled or not configured properly. What kind of ...
Hi, Thanks for reaching out.
you need to add `-U` to the pip command to tell pip to update the packages, i.e. the command to update should become
python3 -m pip install -U -f . cisco_radkit_client cisco_radkit_service
Note: its an uppercase U
With th...