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Member since ‎04-21-2010

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All,Site A has two physical sites that are on the same flat network (the / range. These sites are linked together and they both have seperate Internet Connections. Site B has one physical Internet Connection, and a cisco 5505....
All,I have created a second site-to-site VPN connection from my remote site to another site and I have the following issue when I ping from Site B to Site A:"Routing failed to locate next hop for icmp from NP Identity...."If I ping from site A to sit...
All,I am noticing the following issue with one of our VPN connections:Site A is connected to the Internet with an ISA FirewallSite B is connected to the Internet with a CISCO 5505Both sites are connected together via a VPNBoth sites have around a 6MB...
Hi All,I have a site-to-site VPN between site A and B and would like to put in a second peer somewhere on the 5505's config in site A, so if the connection to site B's public IP fails it then connects to another firewall on site B on a different publ...
All,I've successfully managed to establish a site-to-site VPN using my new ASA device, however I was wondering how I could configure it so that all Internet traffic ( is sent down the VPN connection and out our main office firewall (at peer e...
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Member Since ‎04-21-2010 08:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 36