Fouad Ata
Level 1
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Member since ‎03-22-2013

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Hello, I have a Cisco router 3800 and i am trying to use it for our Guest WiFi Internet Access the installation is as shown within attached image I am trying to use this oruter for clients with IPs to access the internet. I trie...
Hi,I am in process of installing a WebFilter between my Main router and my firewall.I need to build a PBR based on Traffic type or port.Can i do that?For example i need all traffic that comes from subnet to go to destination X if traffic...
Hi,I have a cisco 3800 router on the top of my topology.100% of the company traffic goes through this interface.We are in process of putting a firewall before this interface.. and we need to know the size of data processed through this interface per ...
Hi,I have a Cisco router 3800 Version 12,4 between my main Firewall and my Corporate LANI am in a phase of implementing a Mcafee Web Gateway between my Cisco router and my firewall.This device basically will receive all teh traffic of my company, and...
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Member Since ‎03-22-2013 11:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 7