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Member since ‎04-03-2009

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Hi guys,Perhaps you could help me with an answer to the following predicament:An SP rented us an MPLS line of 2 Mbps.Through the line stress tests we came out with 1.85 Mbps.He states that this is normal due to header information.150 kbps lost only d...
Hi guys,My question is more along the lines of "is there any warning in Cisco's documentation about this", because I don't recall during my CCNA courses ever seeing this.From what i remember, both these options were valid and usable when configuring ...
Hello,I have a Cisco 1841 Router, with the IOS version c1841-ipbase-mz.124-3i.bin. I have a static NAT entry in the running config, such as:ip nat inside source static network layout is attached. Whenever someone in my interna...
Hy experts,I have the following configuration: a 1841 Cisco Router, IOS ver 12.3(4) and two internet providers, each configured with it's own public IP, which is NATed.I used "route-maps", so is the primary connection goes down (in the sense that the...
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Member Since ‎04-03-2009 09:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 10