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Member since ‎03-08-2012

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Hi Is there a way that we can change the date format to dd/mm/yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy in BE3000 ? Everytime when I change  the date format in system setting -> Date/time  to Australia date format , click Save.  I thought my change take effect but ...
Hi Guys, Is there a way that we can extend the timer for hunt group before transfer to recpetion phone on BE3000 ?
Hi is there a procedure of how to configure 7916 expansion module on a 7962 phone ?  there is no step-by-step procedure on administration guide.  can anyone provide a link or point out where to find the configuration procedure ?          
Is there a way that we can enable the prompt to notify use to change default password "1234" when first time login to Voicemail system ?              
Is there a way that we can disable “transfer to international number feature” in Voicemail setting to prevent toll fraud on BE3000 ?  I can't find this setting in BE3000 administration GUI and  there is no Cisco Unity Connection GUI that we can login...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-08-2012 03:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 67
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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