Flash Weldon
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Member since ‎07-24-2007

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I am reviewing the v2 release of ICND1 course materials. Looking at the student guide pg. 2-67 and 2-68, there is a screenshot of a routing table; some routes are marked with a C (directly connected) others with an L (local route). The explanation is...
What does this error message mean? How to fix the problem? The set up is this: router is configured as DHCP server with a single client manually bound. The client receives its IP address and default-router address, as configured, as expected. The cli...
The command “ip subnet-zero” allows the use of the all-ones and all-zeros subnets. How do routers distinguish 192.168.x.255 (/28 for example) directed BC to the last subnet from all subnets BC in the whole class C network? Or directed ...
Can someone please explain to me an inconsistency in the ICND1 Lab Guide concerning the calculation of usable subnets? I emphasize “usable” since Cisco does. Lab 4-3, Task 4 states that we are assigned the address space /28. Q2 asks how...
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Member Since ‎07-24-2007 05:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-02-2019 12:32 PM
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