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Member since ‎08-30-2011

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I have a Nortel CS1000M-MG PBX connected to my Cisco 2911 gateway using 6 FXO ports.  When the PSTN user hangs up (PSTN->Nortel->Cisco), I do not get a SIP BYE from the Cisco 2911.  I see through various debugs (debug vpm signal, debug vpm all, debug...
My 2911 gateway is failing the handshake, and I am trying to figure out the best way to debug it.  I turned on all the crypto PKI debugging, but I don't get any information telling me the reason for the failure.  Is there any other debugging I can tu...
Is there any way in the Cisco gateways to have the SIP engine only send INVITEs if it matches an extension exactly (e.g., if I have extension 123 and someone dials extension 1234 which does not exist, I do not want extension 123 to ring).  I am also ...
I try to follow the instructions in the Cisco documentation for configuring to use TLS, but neither the "crypto signaling" command under sip-ua nor the "session transport tcp tls" (either under voice services voip sip or in a dial peer command) are a...
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Member Since ‎08-30-2011 11:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 7