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Member since ‎11-02-2007

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Hello,I've got a client that wants guest users to be able to 'Plug and play' on the wireless network.That is, when a user connects, he get's assigned an IP address and does not need to change his proxy settings or IP settings.I know this is a feature...
Hello,I have a 4400 wireless Lan Controller (, I'm having a problem with users connecting with the wired connection and then disconnecting but the controller doesn't dispose of the session.User Idle timeout is set to 300 seconds and works fi...
Hello,I've configured two WLC's with the exact same config one of them has working Wired guest network the other one does not.The only difference in the two I know of is that the one that does not work is connected to a Cisco 3550 switch, the one tha...
Hello,I'm not sure if this is a bug in the GUI or Software I have trid this in both GUI and CLI.I'm trying to redirect a Wired WLAN to an external Web-Auth server, I'm already doing so successfully with the Wireless lan.Here is the process :Wlans ->...
Hello,I'm in the middle of designing a wireless network for a warehouse and I've been unable to find a proper antenna solution for the building, specifically the house has about 20 rows which are 2 meters between and are ~15meters high, have any of y...
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Member Since ‎11-02-2007 03:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 21