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Member since ‎02-12-2011

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I've been able to successfully deploy various VMs via REST API on the NFVIS-based ENCS platform.  I've not however been able to deploy the VM with a bootstrapped configuration.  My python script appears as follows:import requestsfrom requests.auth im...
I've created a service template using REQUESTS as follows:import requestsfrom requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuthurl = ('http://x.x.x.x:8080/api/running/services')headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/'}content = open('af.xml', 'rb'...
Is there a way to fetch an individual SSH key via REST API in NSO?For example, the following API call will fetch SSH keys for all discovered devices:http://x.x.x.x:8080/api/operations/devices/fetch-ssh-host-keysIs there an API that will do the same f...
Hello,  I've added a device to NSO as follows:address X.X.X.X;port     22;authgroup NSOAUTH;device-type {     cli {          ned-id     cisco-ios-xr;          protocol     ssh;state {     admin-state unlocked;Note that the device is reachable via IP ...
Is there a way to load a device directly into NSO via REST API?For example, a device can be loaded via configuration CLI, such as following example, however is there a way to do so via REST API?devices {    device TEXAS {        address;   ...
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Member Since ‎02-12-2011 09:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-26-2021 12:38 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 7
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