Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎11-26-2000

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I created a webex sandbox but I am not able to determine what the user ID and password should be for when I make API calls.The user ID I am using should be johnmennear.Can you help me to find out what my user ID and password is, or can you help me to...
I received an email that my sandbox is ready.The lab network address is written as: I enter that into anyconnect as the server to connect to I get Connection attempt failed. Please try again.Was I supposed to g...
I want to have a non-human sign into Jabber and monitor for when anyone talks to it. Can this be done with Java. Since there will not be a UI for this non-human interface I don't see Javascript as a possible foundation for the solution.Helloworld Sam...
Hi, I am trying to run a LstsummaryMeeting, but, all I get back in the response is Success.Can you help me find the problem in this Javascript code I have:function getFormattedDate() {    var date = new Date();    var str = date.getFullYear() + "-" +...
Hi,I have access to a cors proxy server: do I make use of this so that it connects correctly?I have a demoConfig like the following:var jabberConfig = { httpBindingURL: "", domain: "", ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-26-2000 02:08 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-24-2018 02:02 AM
Posts 93
Total Helpful Votes Received 14