Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎06-27-2009

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Hi All,Looking for your advice since Cisco TAC could not help me on my puzzle.I have a UPC Internet 40Mb Down and 4Mb Up Static IP Connection.Configured the UC520 Firewall set to Low inspection > When I do a speedtest while the laptop is connected to...
Hi All,Looking for assistance \ guidance on trying to get the routing correct thus to reach each sites devices.I have attached a network diagram to help you understand my setup:I can establish the link between both sites and ping both the a...
Hello All,I have a strange issue with my VPN connection. I have configured the VPN connection using the CCA application and all seems to be correct when I check the profile. However when I connect using Cisco VPN Client when establishing ...
Hi All,I have managed to configure 2 UC520 sucesfully both voice and data show UP status on CCA - thanks for the help on this.I can ping the IP address on the remote site (UK) and can connect to the UC520 without using the VPN client so it looks like...
Hi All,Happy New Year and all the best for 2013.I have a quick question. I have 2 UC520W's in two different countries.How can I link them together? I have VPN access to both of them but would them somehow on an IPSEC tunnel?Is this possible to link t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-27-2009 06:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 09:44 AM
Posts 196
Total Helpful Votes Received 51
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