Hi,I finally found a workaround, because any update of Intel driver don't work on my HP laptop...So I have disabled aero service, and now, it's ok, but without any visual effect of windows :/In french : "Gestionnaire de sessions du Gestionnaire de fe...
Still had the same issue, I tried to remove the app from Windows and reinstall it...Seems to be ok right now !CPU around 0%...Let's wait some few days !
After shutting down the app :C:\>tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq SparkWindows.exe"Information : aucune tâche en service ne correspond aux critères spécifiés.C:\>tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"Nom de l'image PID Services===...
How do I know which process runs as background ? I've made a dump of the process, but the dump make 600Mb ^^Any idea ? C:\>tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"Nom de l'image PID Services========================= ======== =====...