Can anyone share the knowledge about how vpls is fuctioning if we have cutomer(eg: cust A) at one site and the customer A has a branch at different geograpgical sitse. How vpls can handle diffrent vlans from a single customer site? Please sha...
If any one know, please tell me, what is the use of setting "vrf vrf-name" on out of band interfaces in case of management plane protection of XR. Why should we segregate interfaces as inband and out of band ?
Hi Xander, Can we connect two customer sites via VPLS even if they use different technologies ? (For example one customer site uses ATM and another uses ethernet). I know it is possible via point to point vpn but how about vpls ?
Hi Xander, I read the document which you suggested. I need to clarify some doubts. Suppose if we have 5 PE routers which shares same vpls service, should we configure the same bridge-domain name in all these routers ? May I know ...
Hi Xander, Thanks for your precious response. Could you please tell me how the PE router identifies its different client sites and their different services. Can we do vpls between two sites even if they use different technolgies(eg: etherne...
Hi , Please let me know how l2vpn is forwarding frames. I know L3vpn a little bit. In l3vpn, RD adds to ipv4 to get vpnv4(96 bits) and sends the vpnv4 packets to destination which is identified by RT and there is each vrf for each ...