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Member since ‎12-21-2012

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I am hoping that CISCO is considering a firmware update to this useful and powerful Small Business Router.One of the main items that needs to be fixed in the RV220W relates to the incoming firewall rules. It is not possible to block incoming packets ...
Looking at the log I see quite a bit of traffic for IP address is no such device apparent on the network. I have looked at "Available local network hosts" and there is no such device. If I PING the device I get "Reply from 192.168...
We are running an RV220W at the latest firmware ( Due to certain internal activity we had to add a few firewall rules. Once we exceeded 10 firewall rules we could not reorder them. The reorder page showed the first 10 rules OK, but when you...
After using an RV220W in the Office fdr some time I decided to upgrade my old WRVS4400N V1 with one - in line with Cisco recommendations. I am using the latest firmware problem I have is that a Tivo device will not connect to its contect...
We have a requirement to blovk all WEB sites in a certain country. Is it possible to use URLS blocking to block all WEB sites that end in .xy  where xy is the country to block. It seems as though the router ignores the '.' and blocks all URLs that ha...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-21-2012 03:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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