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Member since ‎03-17-2004

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Looking for the Intrusion Rules that match these CVE's; the first one shows up but the others do not. Alerts about these from F5 were sent out around 3/10/21, does anyone now where the other Intrusion rules for these might be? CVE-2021-22986     (fou...
We have a separate intrusion policy for ingress trafffic from the internet to our DMZ servers. When I run Firepower Recommendation on this policy, it suggests changing dozens of old browser vulnerability snort rules from Disabled to Generate Event an...
      Here is what I'm trying to do: we have a edge mail appliance that is receiving bounce emails that are being detected as SMTP_RESPONSE_OVERFLOW.  I'd like to be able to ignore this detection for that host, but I don't see an easy way to do this....
Running FP 8130 appliances, within FP Management we are seeing "Decryption Error" for port 443 traffic. We have a valid root cert for the MtM decryption process. Where can we find more information about WHY this has a "Decryption Error"?  
We are running FMC virtual 6.2.2.  I am trying to implement External Auth under Users > External Authentication, but it looks like the Base DN and the Filters don't like groups containing spaces (e.g. CN=Some_Group,OU=Security Groups,OU=Level,DC=Doma...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-17-2004 10:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-09-2021 12:31 PM
Posts 85
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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