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Level 3
Member since ‎10-31-2006

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All 3 APICs connected to same leaf pair, leaf B shows out-of-service and it can't see APICs via LLDP (ports are up). Everything looks good on leaf A: all 3 ports up, LLDP sees all 3 APICs and Reason column is showing "none" (output from "show interfa...
I'm able to apply vPC config on a leaf switch and I can see proper output when executing "show port-channel summary" on the leaf. However, when I try to use ports 49 and 50 (1/49,1/50), i.e. any 40 Gig port it doesn't work: even if it seems config is...
Here is what I'm trying to do:- create a snapshot for All Fabric on a production ACI system- export a snapshot (simply scp proper *.gz file from /data2/snapshots)- import snapshot file on a lab system (APIC used for testing)- while trying to rollback...
I see that licensing is introduced in release 3.2(1l). I also found a following note: "If the APIC is unregistered, the APIC functionality is not affected." Not sure what is the purpose? I'd like to get rid of that annoying alert caused by not licens...
How can In-Service Software Upgrade be nondisruptive if switches have no redundancy for control plane or data plane? Documentation states that MDS 9148 (or MDS 9396) support nondisruptive ISSU process and it also states that fabric switches have a si...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-31-2006 06:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-19-2019 12:35 AM
Posts 241
Total Helpful Votes Received 50