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Level 1
Member since ‎03-09-2013

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  • 4 Posts
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I'm using my UC540 as the DHCP server.  How do i determine what devices are connected to the UC540 and what IP address is assigned to each device?thanks for your help.
I am using a UC540 with four FXO lines.  On the inbound dial plan I have directed these lines to go to a blast group.  Every few days the two mosted used lines revert to Co_line from Blast_group. I don't know why and it is driving me crazy.  I am usi...
I have an old office which has cat3 phone lines run.  Is there anyway to use cat3 with a UC540/spa303 system.Thanks for your suggestions.Chris
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Member Since ‎03-09-2013 08:17 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 4