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Member since ‎02-19-2014

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 Hi Kanwal, With reference to the previous thread.Please find below the answers to the questions you had posted.1) What is the initial URL client will come with?http://ofrv.a.b/portal/page    The client types in this URL which redirects to the URL me...
Hello,I have a VIP redirecting to 2 real servers 172.x.x.114 and 115 respectively.   The url to be accessed is http://ofrv.a.b/portal/page.    This has to be redirected to the 2 servers on ofr1.a.b and ofr2.a.b on port 8090.     This is where I have ...
Hi,I have configured ldap on a different ports than the 389 and 636.  How do I configure this port to be allowed on the Cisco load balancer.  I'm a newbie to cisco load balancer.  Is there any specific configuration to be followed to set the customiz...
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Member Since ‎02-19-2014 01:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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