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Member since ‎03-13-2006

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Hi, we've got a pair of old 3745's that are getting upgraded to new  2911's, and I'm trying to run IOS 15.2 on the new routers to get them most current before going into test and production use. The routers are doing BGP, IPv4, and HSRP, and I'm tryi...
Running ASA v8.x. I'm trying to save the run to a TFTP server that's connected via a VPN tunnel. I have "management-interface inside" set up so I can get remote access via ASDM, but I'm not sure how to get TFTP to work. I defined the tftp client i...
I'm looking to possibly move to IOS 12.4T. Currently under 12.3, my c3745-i-mz version includes BGP, but it appears to be missing in the c3745-ipbasek9-mz.124-XXX line. What's the minimum feature seat I need to have BGP, Enterprise Base, or do I nee...
Per the new Cisco advisory cisco-sa-20080604-asa for PIX and ASA devices, I'm looking at some version updates on some of my ASAs. The Software Versions and Fixes portion of the advisory page at
I understand the fundamentals of redundant backup links (see example in However, I need some advice when the ASA device particpates in stati...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-13-2006 07:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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