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Member since ‎07-08-2014

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Hi,this is a follow up of https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/12251661/asa5505-dual-isp-setup-missing-something-very-simple, which is already marked as solved. The dual ISP setup on my ASA 5505 (SecPlus) is now working, yet there is a problem ...
Hi,I have a small business network with an ASA 5505 (Security Plus) and a static external IP for internet access used for VPN. That works fine, but as the speed is relatively low we decided to buy a consumer internet line with 4 times the bandwidth (...
Hi, I have a small business network with an ASA5505 and an ISP with a static ip and VPN. That works very well now for a long time. As the speed offered by our ISP is quite low, we decided to buy a consumer product from an IPS, that is much faster. Th...
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Member Since ‎07-08-2014 09:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:02 AM
Posts 6