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Member since ‎09-17-2014

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We have During Fiscal close days, a user requested to be notified when job has not started by X time. This time specified is neither the jobs start time nor estimated start time. Some of the jobs in will be completed already by the user def...
We are using Version  Today I proved that if an operator (as defined by security policies) enables a job, it will not always add the job to the forecasted schedules.  When Super User (as defined by security policies) enables a job, it adds ...
I have a job were the p10 step recurs every 15 minutes. I have a p20 that is set to run at 11:45 am. It is set to  check for completed normally on last occurance of P10. I have a P30 that runs at 1:45 that also checks for  completed normally on last ...
I have noticed that if I disable a job that already has been forecasted, the disable function no longer pulls that job from schedule.  Ex:  Disabled Tech_***  job on 11/2.  On  11/5 the job completed abnormally, yet the database still has job as disa...
 We have a new installation of 6.2.1 and are using both the  Web client and Java client (for  heavy users).I saved some public views in the Java client like "Active and error".  I changed some of the colors for better view ability, filtered so only c...
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Member Since ‎09-17-2014 01:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-16-2018 03:22 AM
Posts 11
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