I would suggest you read this white paper which details the pros and cons of direct connect storage. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/partner/prod/collateral/ps10265/ps10276/whitepaper_c11-702584.html This paper captures all the major design points for ...
The FlexPod Select solution focuses on a specific (select) workload. We are currently targeting high-performance applications like Hadoop. As such, the FlexPod Select solutions with Cloudera CDH or Hortonworks HDP uses hardware optimized to deliver...
Hi, At a high level an Oracle application is looking for the following services from a load balancer:1) Ability to intercept and distribute traffic across the available APPL_TOP nodes2) Monitor health of the nodes and overall environment. 3) Pro...
Hi Lisa, VNICs actually connect to the virtual switch (vswitch) which is a software construct of the VM kernel. In the world of ESX, VMNICs are the physical server NICs that will be dual-homed to your Catalyst access layer switches. Typically, ...