Hello,The menu command was removed to make room for other new features. From now on that will not be an option when you are configuring the switch. You still have the web GUI and normal CLI, but no more menu.Hope that helps,Christopher Ebert - Adva...
Hello Steve,The RV325 does have an option like this, called DNS Local Database. It is available under DHCP >> DNS Local Database. This will allow you to setup Name-to-IP bindings without needing an entire DNS server.Hope that helps, and thank you f...
Hello Wayne,The output you are seeing is not normal for saving your configuration. The actual config should look very similair to IOS. This looks more like maybe your browser or A/V software downloaded the HTML code for the web GUI instead of the a...
Hello,I can tell you the Sx300 series switches do support multiple RADIUS servers and dynamic VLAN allocation. The one setting I don't think they support will be the MDA. There are ways to setup the 802.1x on these switches so that multiple differen...
Hallo,Bitte vergeben sie mein schlechtes Deutsch, ich muss es nur selden shrieben.Das VPN verbindung wird von selbst abgebrochen nach einige minuten ohne traffick. Aber wenn du dan traffick hast wo uber den tunnel gehen mus, solte der router den tun...