lili Vachon
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Member since ‎07-11-2013

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Dear All, As cisco 2960-XR router has IP-Lite image, which also  supports routing. Does it also supports communication between two different Vlans without the requirement of separate router ? Please let me know. Waiting for your response. Thank you.
Dear all. In our environment we have all the servers and computers assigned with Static IPs. But the problem is users are assigning IPs by themselve without our permission. This is causing us lots of head ache.  So what we are thinking is to Bind Mac...
Dear All. Could you please let me know the part number for Copper SFP+ module RJ-45 connector? Is it available with Cisco? I read somewhere cisco has stopped selling it.  
Dear All, We are planning to purchase 2 Cisco 4500-X Series switches for "Enterprise Campus Collapsed Distribution and Core Architecture" design. Could you please answer me below questions: 1. Which is good stacking or VSS? 2. What are the points I s...
Dear All, TIll now I have worked with 2960-X series switches. I am new to 6500 Series switches. As we are upgrading the network. My company is looking for a switch which supports  16 SFP+ ports and 10 Gigabit speed per each Ethernet port.  We are bui...
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Member Since ‎07-11-2013 02:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 63