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Member since ‎08-06-2013

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Is there any email alert that triggers when jobs get stuck in launch state for more than 5minutes.I know about the "Job launched" event that would trigger when every job goes into launch state before active, but I need to have an email triggered for ...
Need Confirmation on this !!I want one job to run twice daily at 9AM and 1PM. Am I maintaing the correct schedule as per the attached screenshot.Will it matter if I remove 01:00 PM under time specification and just mention 'repeat job in 240 mins upt...
This look strange to me that jobs are showing skipped status even before their scheduled time. job runs every 10mins, I am currently overriding the job every 10 mins. Can anybody please explain me the reason behind this behaviour and a solution for t...
How can I export all the Jobs definition along with the start and end time into an excel?When I am clicking on Jobs(Definition) -->Export , its exporting the job log not the jobs and details.
Hi,Is there any way to add carriage return into the Email message body? Though I am clicking 'enter' into the message definition but when I recieve that mail, it all comes in a single line.
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Member Since ‎08-06-2013 08:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
Posts 18