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Member since ‎08-16-2013

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Hi,I'm trying to configure Kerberos authentication on ipsec-l2tp vpn tunnel. However, when I use my domain user to establish a connection I get this error:ASA-Oslo# kerberos mkreq: 0x176kip_lookup_by_sessID: kip with id 374 not foundalloc_kip 0xd9b9b...
Hi,Please I would be very pleased if someone could give me a hand in this matter.I have a Cisco ASA 5505 9.0(2), 2 dial-up connection (ADSL) with fix IP from the same ISP. I have 2 Linksys router (each dial-up has a router) as well. Both Linksys are ...
Hi,First of all, apologies for my lack of awareness. It's hard managing Cisco routers when you are newbie. I am learning Cisco as far as I can.My issue is that I'm trying to setup a l2tp over ipsec vpn connection in my company in order to provide a s...
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Member Since ‎08-16-2013 05:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
Posts 5