there are a few ways to find average bytes per packet.
1. you can see avg bytes/packets on the FMC in overview>summery>discovery performance.
This displays a graph that represents the average number of bytes included in each packet analyzed by the di...
If you need to inspect all traffic through your network than yes i would recommend it. SSL decryption is the only way to inspect HTTPS or other encrypted traffic. there are things we can do without decrypting the traffic but there is a chance that an...
The 50,000 limit refers to the network discovery host limit. as soon as you reach the 50,000 limit, the system will start to prune old entries off to make room for new entries. entries will be removed if they haven't been updated in a week.
we do not currently have any official documentation. from what i understand it is currently in the works.
my recommendation would be to get with a Cisco sales rep and have them analyze your environment so that can provide you with a list of o...
The answer is yes. SSL decryption is a very good way to inspect encrypted traffic. just remember that SSL decryption is very resource intensive. we have to decrypt the traffic then pass it through inspection and after we are done we encrypt it again....