Hi, Does anyone know if WLSE will work with Microsoft IAS? The Cisco doco indicates "IEEE 802.1X authentication server, such as Cisco Secure ACS"We have an IAS setup using PEAP.
Can anyone point me to doco that indicates the maximum simultaneous client VPN sessions a 2600 series router can handle? Can't seem to find anything in the IOS release doco.
I'd like to confirm AES is not available to 1200 series AP's running 802.11b.I have upgraded to: c1200-k9w7-mx.122-15.XRWhen I try the command: encryption vlan 50 mode ciphers aes-ccmWarning: interface Dot11Radio0 does not support AES-CCMPIf I purcha...
Hi, When I update the drivers for the Cisco 350 wireless card IAS fails user authentication.We are using:Win2003(IAS) - PEAP MSCHAPv2Cisco AP 1200 - 12.2(13)JA1WinXPSP1Driver version 7.50.01 works OKDriver version FAILSWe have tried updating...
Hi, We have had very similar problems with the Intel 2200 cards. Cisco cards are no problems at all.We've managed to get some stability with the Intel cards by configuring the following:1: Disable Cisco Client Aironet Extensions on the Wireless Acces...
I found the problem:Disable "Enable Fast Reconnect" - problem with XPSP1Microsoft will fix in SP2In IAS configuration select Vendor as Cisco not "RADIUS Standard".