I have a Nexus switch whose OS does not support IP SLA. I need to have a script or a tool to ping to a next hop and send alert mails on even a single drop. Can I acheive this using only EEM tools? If yes, can you share how to? Thanks in advance!!Nave...
ayokunles,When you have two ports configured with portfast, bpduguard AND bpdufilter, neither port will send BPDUs so bpduguard will not be able to disable the port upon physical loops...now if we connect these two ports back to back, there will be ...
This is indeed a great explanation. I just have one small lingerging doubt w.r.t to "ipv4 address family"...
What is the need to explicity define an "ipv4 address family" (automatic or otherwise)?
for ex ...If you are adding a static route, you jus...